“A Solo Woman Show”
A work-in-progress solo woman show project, using clown’s tools to reveal authenticity, the stupidity of human being and to connect with the audience through laughter. (2021-2022)
“Motherland, Mothertongue, Mother…to be continued”
This project started with my interest in the clown’s pedagogy and the idea to make my first solo show using the clown’s tools in the creative process. I work with my unique and peculiar potentials with the ‘body in play’, releasing my human stupidity to connect with the audience by laughing. Thankful for the support of amazing mentors, generosity for rehearsal spaces and funding from Fingal County Council, my dream is coming true, in a journey that nourishes me as a creator, clown, playwright.
Working on the clown is, first of all, a work on yourself, in order to discover the comic side that characterizes us and unites us in the same way. The creative process with clown is hard and deep but it is also powerful and liberating for human and artistic growth.
The material I have created so far for this project is the result of improvisations and drafts I developed during these two year (2021/22), working on my comic character with themes that belong to me. At C’Art Theatre in Castelfiorentino (Italy), under the artistic direction of Andre’ Casaca, I realized my first sketches, choosing as objects a table, a basket of fruits and vegetables and some umbrellas. I brought this work into the “Incubation” space in Dublin as co-mentorship with other two artists to develop the idea of a housewife who wants to fly away by creating a storm. At Helikos Theatre in Padova (Italy) under the precious direction of Giovanni Fusetti, I continued to develop sketches for my project, building a stronger clown character to share with other artists, and the “scampo-woman” took shape… An eccentric wild woman with the movements of a crustacean, her favourite dish, revealing her poetic side with a child’s play. During this year (2022) I am devising the show’s script, thanks to the collaboration with Amy Gwilliam and the residency at Draiocht Theatre (Dublin), where the strongest themes are being revealed: Motherland, Mothertongue, Mother.